Monday, August 11, 2008

It's Done!!!

Suddenly I felt rather relieved at the moment I finished the presentation!
BUT...I only gave myself 60% on my performance.
First, my computer didn't cooperate with the projector and it wasted 10 minutes...
Then, i was so nervous that i felt my voice sounded shaky all the time.

Because of the nervousness, i spoke too fast. When i practised at home, at first it took nearly 50 minutes. Then it reduced to 40 minutes. So i cut some information because it's too long. Last night, the final practice took about half an hour. it's only has 18minutes 43 seconds. How come!!! I hate nervousness!!!

Next, because it's too fast, i even didn't have time to see my notes which i spent a lot of time working on them. Also, when i went through my paper while preparing the presentation, i found lots of mistakes in the paper which i didn't know before......

Anyway, i finished! After several weeks "suffering", it's all done!
More importantly, I cherish the experience and the process!
I wish it would be an valuable experience that are useful for future!


Fawaz said...

I think you did very well. For me it was the best presentation(AFTER MINE sure..loll). I think you are a great worker Wendy.

Rasha said...

heey wendy,,
i really liked ur presentation,,
it contains a lot of usefull information =D

Aziz said...

your presintation was one of the best wendy